What people are saying about Stryper
Grant Field
Pelican Waters Pro and Tour Coach to Australia's Cameron Smith
“It will become a big part of my coaching tool box.
"As a coach, having a training aid that helps players set up with a high level of repeatability - and provides feedback to swinging the club on a functional and consistent swing plane - is something that is hugely beneficial to any golfer.
"The fact that it can be used indoors and outdoors is also great.
"Might just become one of my new favourites.”
Instagram: @grant_field_golf
Facebook: facebook.com/GrantFieldGolf/
Aussie GolF Reviewer
You won't meet two blokes who froth over their golf more than Al and Richo from Aussie Golf Reviewer. Have a listen to what they have to say about SwingMate.
Instagram: @aussiegolfreviewer
Facebook: facebook.com/aussiegolfreviewer/
YouTube: youtube.com/channel/aussiegolfreviewer
Queensland Performance Golf Centres Teaching Professionals
ALI ORCHARD Golf Coaching
RACV Royal Pines Gold Coast Coaching Pro
@aliorchardgolfcoaching | www.ALIORCHARDGOLFCOACHING.COM
"LOVE finding new training aids and ways to fast-forward my students' progress. This is a great find."