These are some key drills to get you started, however there are no limitations to drill combinations you can run.


Many coaches will tell you to exaggerate your drills. It's a very fast way to learn. Instead of being afraid to make a mistake, try hitting the complete opposite to see what that feels like.

TO TAME A SLICE: Follow the Draw setup diagrams below.
TO TAME A HOOK: Follow the Fade setup.

Exaggerate the feel. Practice this slowly without a ball and get the feel 10-20 times, then start slowly with a ball.
You'll usually be pleasantly surprised how much your swing has improved.

Now try exaggerating it. Make it even harder to do the drill with even more angle on the Swing Plane hinge. But make sure your hands are not lifting! This is why doing the Hand Path Drill in combo is important, so you can't cheat by lifting your hands to miss the Swing Path rod.

Keep ingraining those feels!


In-depth instructional video with PGA Pro Coach John Wright

The video above covers all three key drills we suggest as a starting point with Stryper's products - Swing Plane, Hand Path and Rotation. It does not matter whether you are left or right handed, the concept is exactly the same.

IMPORTANT: You can try any combinations you want! For example, although the Swing Plane Drill in the User Guide suggests you swing just under the rod, some people learn the method differently. You can move that hinge/rod to the same position as the Rotation Drill Hinge and concentrate on swinging just over the top of it, rather than just under it. Everyone's brain learns differently!

For specifics on exactly how to set up the hinges and rod angles, see diagrams on this page below. And download the User Guides for blow-by-blow instructions if you need more help.

Watch more videos

Combine StanceMate and SwingMate for the ultimate setup.